Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Kevin Hart Takes High Road In New Feud with Ex-Wife


breaking news

Kevin Hart Ex Wife Feud
Kevin Hart
 just unleashed an angry rant on ex-wife for slamming his current girlfriend, but Hart handled it maturely ... refusing to slam his ex even once (well okay, maybe one time).

Kevin was set off by an interview Torrei Hart did bashing Kevin's GF Eniko Parrish ... saying she wanted to knock her out for breaking up her marriage to Kevin.

In his response, Hart tweeted Parrish had nothing to do with his divorce and said he was disappointed Torrei slammed Eniko because he has "embraced the man that she is dealing with with nothing but positivity."

Well, not all positive ... Kevin got in this jab --  "Guess giving a woman over 20k a month and still being there for her and being a incredible father isn't enough!"

Kevin's rant went on and on until this awesome punchline -- "P.S. I was listening to "Drake's" album while I was tweeting all that stuff...lmfao That s*** made me emotional lmfao."

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Cant see it search 4 it !